Sunday, March 11, 2012

"And first thing Saturday, if it don't rain I'm headed out to the lake" (Original Post Date: May 29, 2010)

There's really nothing better than a day on the lake with the guys.

I arrived at Quaker Lake at 8:30am; Billy, Josh and Alex had all been on the lake since 7am. I unloaded my kayak from the roof of the CR-V, tossed the fishing gear in boat and headed out on to the lake. The guys already had their row boat about half way down the lake. I paddled past one of our favorite weed bed and kept going to the far shore.

We immediately started off competing boat v. boat. The lure for the day was a black 1/2 oz Drop Spinner. Billy took a quick lead with an early pike, it ended up being the biggest of the day. I landed the next one and then a second to take the lead. Billy caught the next one to draw even before our stop for lunch.

Around noon we pulled the boats on shore, made some PB&J sandwiches and hit the rope swing. We collected up the worms from the row boat and decided to do some pan fish fishing. We all landed a collection of Rock Bass, Sunfish, and Blue Gill for nothing more than the pure enjoyment. The water was warm and the air warmer. So we decided to hit the rope swing and do some cooling off.

After lunch we headed back on to the lake. I quickly landed my third, and final, Pike of the day. This one was landed on a green and yellow 1/2 oz Drop Spinner Billy picked up his 3rd and Alex pulled in his first of the day. After several more hours of floating around Quaker Lake we called it a day. The final count: Row Boat 4- Kayak 3.

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