Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cut Short in the Catskills (Original Post Date: June 6, 2010)

The day started off as a bright and sunny. I had been in New Jersey for one of my friend's graduation party and wasn't going to pass up another trip through the Catskills without stopping to do some fly fishing. Yet, as I was making my way down the highway my folks called to warn me there was an incoming thunder storm, complete with tornado warnings, so I knew my day may get cut short.

My first stop was to be Livingston Manor, New York. As a I arrived the sky opened op and the rain came down hard. I took the bad weather as a sign I should stop by the Catskills Fly Fishing Center and Museum ( The museum was well worth the admission fee ($3 donation) and provided ample opportunity to learn about fly tying and some of the local fishing. I spent a half an hour going through the museum and could have spent longer but I was ready to hit the stream. By then the rain had let up and hopped in the car and headed for a public fishing inlet.

Willowemoc Creek was, just down the road from the Museum and I decided this would be a great first place to try. The creek can be reached via NYS Rt. 17 and has numerous public fishing accesses. I picked a spot, threw on my waders and vest and headed into the river. The water was cool and the sky was over cast. One draw back I found was that the creek moved much quicker than most streams where I have fished in the past. After several unsuccessful cast I began making my way further up stream fishing as I went. The weather began to clear and the sun came out. After about an hour of unsuccessful fishing I decided to move on. However, had I not had 4+ hours of driving a head of me I would have stayed longer as I imagine the creek had ample trout in some of the protected areas.

I jumped back on I-86/Rt. 17 and headed down the road another 20 miles to the Upper Delaware River in Hancock, New York. I tied on a black streamer and green bead head. When I arrived the weather had cleared, the sun was out and the river looked inviting. Having not used my waders in two years I hadn't bothered to check to see if they leaked but I would soon find out (the answer was yes they leaked quite badly). As I made my way in to the river I gave a nod to some fellow fly fisherman further up stream and cast out. My third cast pulled snug but I failed to set the hook. My next cast went out went out with great precision and accuracy, right back over my head. I hadn't noticed it but in the 15 minutes I was in the river the sky had become black as night and the wind had picked up. I scooted out of the water and threw my gear in to the back of the Honda. As I pulled off the waders the rain came fast and furious. I jumped in the car and decided to call it a day.

I wish I could have spent all day in the Catskills but with the bad weather and me not having my tent the day was done. All in all my Catskill fishing was enjoyable but unsuccessful. Had it not been cut short I would have spent another few hours there and I hope to get back sometime soon.

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